Saturday, June 30, 2012

Outing days with my mum and her friends♥

A saturday with mum and her friends.

We had our dinner on the morning. They Chit-chat until around 10am..(Forget liao.xD)

After Breakfast, We went to Setia City Mall♥

First time we went there.

The mall was so big and super cool and awesome.

We went for a walk and we went to the Bowling centre Wangsa Bowl which still under renovation.

Inside the Bowling Centre was big and super cold.xD

There are so many lane in the bowling centre♥

Opposite of the Bowling centre was a Cinema..

The place was great.

Foods everywhere♥

The view from the higher floor was great♥

The landscape was beautiful and awesome♥

And I bought 2 piece of singlet (Purple and Black) from F.0.S♥

I like the shirt so much.

And I also bought 2 Simple Tee shirt which is Red and Black from UNIQLO.

I like simple T maybe I can wear for college?xD

After that, We went to Sunway Giza♥

Erm..there was a Supermarket and very less shopping mall..

Many Foods also.

There are Bentong foods fair in the Sunway Giza.

We went there and we had our delicious DURIANS♥

The durians look super nice and the taste also goods and awesome.

You will regret if u din eat at Sunway Giza♥

Then after durian we went for dessert at 'Tong Pak Fu'

The dessert also quite nice.

Not that bad.

After that we go DPC.

I bought things for my dog.

I bring my baby 'Miko' to cut her nails.

Her nails make my hand and leg scars everywhere=((

I bought toys and food for her.

She was so excited and at DPC she feel scared and could not want to walk.xD

Then I bought Big Apple Donut♥

After that we went Tesco!

Today Saturday NO plastic bag!!

And we buy some things at Supermarket.

Just a bit things only.xD

Whole day shop here and there, So damn tired=((

After that, we take away foods for dinner.Yong Tao Fo!!My Favourites!xD

Friday, June 29, 2012

Midvalley with BFF❤

When out with my BFF for movies and brunch❤

When for movie to relax myself and continue for my coming exam

We went for a movie 'Brave' presented by Disney PIXAR.

The movie was great and funny.

In the cinema everyone was laughing.

At the end of the story it was a bit sad.

But seriously it was a great movie for children, Adult or even those parents.

And after movie I when to buy some food/snack for my mum, brother.

And thats was what I call a day.

It was quite tired but after went back home I going to start my life with full of books and maybe stress?xD


Me of the day❤

Chocolate from cocoa trees❤

erm...some food for mum❤

Famous Amos cookies for mum too❤

Gong Cha..Chocolate Milk tea for myself❤
Thanks my BFF for treating us this yummy drinks❤


The Brave Movie❤
Thanks my BFF for treating us❤

Three little cute boys❤

Thursday, June 28, 2012


1. 衣着华丽者自我显示欲强
 在大庭广众之中,我们可以发现某些人总是穿着引人注目的华美服饰,这种人大体上有强烈的自我显示欲. 同时这种人对于金钱的欲望特别迫切. 所以, 当你看到这类身着华服的人,或同事中有这样的人时,你就能洞察到他(她)们的这种心理,多夸奖他(她)们的服饰,满足其膨胀的显示欲是一个好办法,这种人就不会轻易与你为敌.

2. 衣着朴素者缺乏自信
有一种人穿着朴素,不爱穿华美的衣服,这种人大多缺乏主体性格,对自己缺乏信心. 希望对别人施予威严,想要弥补自己自卑的感觉. 遇到这种人,就别与他们争执不休,因为越是自卑的人,越想掩饰自己的自卑,越会与人喋喋不休地争吵,以期保存剩下的一点点面子,这反而不利于和他人维系关系. 这时候,你大可以大大方方承认他的观点,他反而会感到你的宽容大度,你会取得意想不到的效果.

3. 喜欢时髦服装者有孤独感
有一种人,完全不理会自己的嗜好,甚至说不知道自己真正喜欢什么,他们只以流行为嗜好,向流行看齐. 这种人在心底里常有一种孤独感,情绪也经常不安.

4. 不理时尚者常以自我为中心
有一种对于流行的状况毫不关心,这种人的个性可以说是十分强硬,但也有一些人是不敢面对外面的花花世界,而一味地把自己关在小黑屋里. 这种人以为,如果跟别人同调,岂不是等于失去了自我? 这种人常常以自我为中心,经常弄得大家索然无味.

5. 突变服装嗜好
一位公司职员小张,到目前为止一直穿戴固定式样与格调的西装. 但有一天,他却改变成了潇洒的夹克,鲜艳的长裤, 带着完全不同颜色的领带来公司上班. 从表相或精神方面说,小张的内心必然受到了某种刺激,使他在想法上发生若干变化,所以,在他们的深层心理里,通常怀有某种新的意思. 同事们则好奇地猜测: "他今天有什么事吗?" "他遇到了什么问题?" 对于这种突然改变自己服装嗜好的人,你若想与他保持良好的关系,应当湿得不当一会而事,或者赞美他穿什么都很不错之类的话,相信他的心灵大门一定会向你敞开,你的承认得态度比别人的质疑的态度要强,你会赢得别人的回报一赞美.

6. 对流行既不狂热又不置之不理
这一类人处事中庸,情绪稳定,一般不会做什么出格的事. 他们多有理性,不过于顺从欲望,也不盲从大众时尚. 此种人比较可靠,值得结交.

988 开心车队♥

今天去 Selayang Pasar Malam买东西.



等等下,看到988 开心车队♥




然后, 又有游戏.


然后又给988 开心车队他们叫我玩跑车( Sony Ps Vita)


他们说是看High ScorexD






Tuesday, June 19, 2012



Thinking of ideas to make a better for my online shop.

What Ideas to make??

Think the whole night.

I will make it better for the other times.

Coming soon♥

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Enjoy the day with all my BFF♥

Today I'm so happy with all my BFF♥ 

I enjoy for the whole day with them.

We play badminton at the morning.

Before play we had our brunch at Pizza Hut to fill our stomach full.xD

After the badminton, we continue have fun the whole day.

We watch 'Snow White' at TGV.

How long I din watch movie dy?

I also forget adyxD

At last after 2 paper I enjoy movies.xD

Then we had our dinner together at D'Fortune.

Had our dinner till so full.

That's call a day for us.xD

But 1 day so fast ady fast ><''

I miss the day so much.

After the all exam end I promise myself we will gather together for the 2nd time.

After today, We should start our study for the coming saturday exam.

All the best again.

I have 4 more paper to go.

I can do it..


Thanks all my BFF always make me smile=))

And my mum bought a durian to eat..

So manyxD

Mushroom soupxD


onion bread more leh?who steal?xD

Hawaii Chicken♥

What I get "Smiling often can make you look and feel younger".


Honey Dew juice♥

Orange Juice

Ice Lemon tea I thinkxD

My BFF...No chance to take photo v u all..T.T

Malu malu for wat?xD

haha...At last he take photo v mexD...

Maryland ..

Fish & Chip♥


So many durian♥

Snow white.♥